My Website is a Shifting House...


On Handmade Web


"I evoke the term 'handmade web' in order to make a correlation between handmade web pages and handmade print materials, such as zines, pamphlets, and artists books."

This reminds me of my research on early websites and webzines during the early 2000s in South Korea. "Zine" or "zine culture" are fairly new in South Korean art scene but there always has been printed matters that has been circulating to spread the knowledge to break the institutal barrier or state oppression. My personal opinion is that the feminist and queer websites/webzines are closest to the DIY nature of punk era of zine. Except we never called them as "zine." I think it is interesting when websites have their tactility despite their virtual nature much like how unapologic the xerox copy zines are. They are tangible. But not in a quantifying way but bodily and human way.

On Hello World


"The world we live in is not binary. If it was... there would either be sun or no light at all. However,... there are all beautiful in-between states like dawn and dusks... Life can't be reduced to binary."

I was reflecting on Taeyoon's other talk on history of technology and the parellel to the Wild West that glorifies the lone cowboy (much like tyhe reading's other Silicon Valley mythology protagonists (lone hacker type or Gordon Mooore, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs) while it is built on invisible labor (Chinese railroad workers, Lithium miners in Bolivia, ctypto miners in the 3rd worlds, etc). The web and technology in relation to human, I want to feel about its tangibility, visibility, and connectivity. These qualities on their own are neither good or bad but when you use them to quantifying metric we need to ask who these quality cater to? When you describe technology as something "tangible", it could mean inviting, and intuitive or literal or belivable. In a liviing breathing environment wher we inhabit with our technology, the depth of experience can be expanded when we democratically embody it.

Let this sink in here.

A friend is writing...


The Web's Grain


The Poetry of Tools


The Good Room
